Tooth Sensitivity after Tooth Whitening

From in office dental appointments to dentist approved home teeth whitening kits, teeth whitening methods have become a trendy accessory today. White smile are a must in today’s day and age. A whiter and brighter set of teeth is a sign of good dental hygiene. An open white smile can also work miracles regarding the issue of self confidence and making a style statement. But the main idea behind whitening is the application of a bleaching concentration on the teeth and gums. Misuse or overuse of the product can cause discomfort to the teeth. Sensitivity of the teeth is a common side effect that can come with a teeth whitening procedure.

Let us look a little deeper into what makes our teeth sensitive to foreign materials of some sort. Inside every tooth there are millions of connecting tubules, known as the dentinal tubules. These tubules extend from the nerve congregation inside the teeth and connect the inside to the surface of the teeth. There are fluids filled inside these tiny tubules and the tooth sensitivity is caused by the movement of these fluids inside the tubules. Minerals from our saliva generally block the pores and prevent their movement. The application of the bleaches removes these plugs and hence causes their movement, thus dental sensitivity.

The reaction due to tooth sensitivity varies from people to people. The answer lies in the genetic makeup of different people. It is seen that some people feel the effect more strongly than others. Fair skinned persons tend to be affected by it the most. The correct concentration of the bleaching solution is also very important. The level of the concentration that can adversely affect the teeth again depends on the person concerned.

Consumption of acidic snacks, foods and drinks can also help a lot in weakening the enamel of your teeth. These acidic molecules can also dissolve the minerals present at the plugs of the tubules and cause the movement of the fluids.

The growing problem of teeth sensitivity can be a problem for even the best teeth whitening procedures. So there is a constant thrust towards the discovery of methods and means of preventing teeth sensitivity. If not successful to the fullest a rational, affordable and dependable way can easily be chalked out. There are ways to minimize the discomfort caused by these sensitizing agents. The use of desensitizing agents like fluorides and potassium nitrate can work wonders on the distress caused. These agents work on the pores of the tubules and reduce their size temporarily. So the cause of the sensitivity is blocked off for a limited period of time.

Teeth sensitivity is a major problem now-a-days. Teeth whitening reviews point out that even the best of products and teeth whitening procedures are not free of this little side effect that comes alongside the method. Having a brighter and healthier smile can boost the self confidence and self esteem of some people but discomfort due to dental sensitivity can also plague our teeth. It is important, thus, to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a good dental hygiene. Consume healthy foods and make use of natural teeth whitening agents. With a little awareness the problem of sensitivity can be waved goodbye.

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