The Best Way to Deal With Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is something that many of us have had  to deal with in our life.  It’s not all that pleasant, because it can affect the kind of foods we eat and those we avoid.  There are a numerous causes of tooth sensitivity and for you to be able to eliminate this problem; you will need to understand what the cause is first.

You can easily get to know whether you have sensitive teeth if you constantly wince whenever you put something such as ice cream in your mouth.  If you feel some sort of unusual and painful feeling whenever you eat other foods or when you rush or floss your teeth, this might also be a sign of the sensitivity of tooth.

If you suffer from sensitivity of the tooth, you will be pleased to learn that there is actually something that you can do to ensure that you tame this condition. There are a number of solutions that you can take advantage of so as to avoid the feeling of pain caused by tooth sensitivity. Some of the basic causes of sensitivity can be explained by the way you treat your teeth. Failure to take care of your teeth or overdoing the process can be a major cause of the sensitivity of tooth. By overdoing it, this means that you probably use a lot of force whenever you’re brushing your teeth. The excessive force, probably with the use of a hard bristled brush will only make things worse for you and should be avoided by all means possible.

If you happen to have exposed pathways to your nerves, it is advisable to avoid consuming any of the acidic foods as this will only lead to pain. You can either make an effort to cover up the pathways by visiting a dentist or if possible, avoid consuming such acidic foods. Tooth grinding is another major cause of tooth sensitivity and should be avoided by all means. By grinding your teeth, you will only be wearing out the enamel which is the cover of the surface of the tooth. Destroying this cover will only leave your inner tooth areas exposed hence the constant pain resulting from the sensitivity.

In as much as a mouthwash is essential at maintaining a good dental health, an overuse of this product will only make things worse for you in terms of being a major cause of the sensitivity of tooth. Some of the mouthwash products usually contain alcohol in addition to other chemicals. These products only make things worse as they tend to wear out the top layer of the teeth thus exposing the dentin. If you’ve got gum disease, excessive plaque, have a cracked tooth, have decay around the edges of your fillings or have recently had a dental procedure, then you’re also likely to experience some level of tooth sensitivity. The good thing is that all these levels of the sensitivity of tooth can be easily rectified by your Dentist or by applying an Tooth Desensitizing product and you’ll be back to normal and able to consume all forms of foods.

You don’t need to put up with the pain and discomfort any longer!


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